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Antioxidants enable the neutralization of free radicals that arise on the skin as a result of metabolic processes, smoking, stress and sun exposure. If the free radicals are present in excess, this leads to oxidative stress, which significantly increases the risk of disease and causes the skin to age prematurely.


Antioxidants are important for the body because, among other things, they relieve inflammation, promote regeneration and protect blood vessels. Since the body can only produce antioxidants to a limited extent, people also have to get them through food.

Antioxidant substances in food include vitamins A, C and E, selenium or secondary plant substances such as beta-carotene, OPC (resveratrol), flavonoids, lycopene (in tomatoes), zeaxanthin (spinach, peppers) or allicin (in Garlic). 

What are antioxidants in?

In particular, plant-based foods such as fruits and vegetables, whole grain products, legumes and high-quality vegetable oils and nuts are incredibly rich in antioxidants. “Red, orange and green” fruits and vegetables such as spinach or grapes (green), tomatoes, apples and carrots (orange) and berries (red) are particularly recommended.

• Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant that is converted into vitamin A in your body. Vitamin A is important for vision, immune function, blood formation and cell growth.


• Vitamin C protects bones, cartilage, muscles and blood vessels and promotes the absorption of iron.


• Vitamin E protects your cells from free radicals. It supports the formation of red blood cells and helps in the absorption of vitamin K.

• Selenium is a mineral that creates antioxidant enzymes in your body. These enzymes prevent cell damage, stimulate the production of antibodies and protect your body from toxins.


• Lycopene is an antioxidant that gives fruits and vegetables their red color. Several studies have shown that lycopene reduces the risk of prostate cancer and cardiovascular disease.


• Flavonoids support the immune system, have anti-allergic effects and protect against UV radiation and cardiovascular diseases. They are found, for example, in green tea, red grapes, citrus fruits and also walnuts.

Antioxidants biozoom measure vitality, nutrition, vegetables, vitamins

Free radicals

Free radicals are fragments of molecules that arise in the natural metabolic process and are unstable because they are missing at least one electron. When trying to generate missing electrons from other compounds, a chain reaction occurs in which large amounts of free radicals are created. Antioxidants can bind these and thus protect the body from the negative consequences of free radicals (increased risk of disease, premature skin aging).

On the other hand, because free radicals are needed in the immune defense against viruses and bacteria, they are only problematic if they are present in excess.


We are a dynamic company that has set itself the task of making biomaker (vitamins, antioxidants, etc.) measurable in the skin. Our devices are medically validated and have been used successfully in studies by renowned clinics for years. We develop and produce them in the heart of Germany.


biozoom controls your diet and tells you how well you are supplying your body with vital substances that protect your well-being over the long term.


With the help of our measuring devices you will find out how appropriate your current lifestyle is. Because the measured values change, for example, in the event of stress, overload, insufficient sleep or unprotected exposure to the sun. These are all conditions that, in addition to your well-being, also affect your aging process.


In harmony with your body, biozoom shows you when something is getting out of hand (biofeedback) and helps you to readjust (coaching). This also applies to anti-aging, because the readings give you an indication of whether you are doing enough for it. So get the nutrition tracker now and do the vitality check.

 weight loss, food tracker, nutrition, antioxidants
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